Maths, Muffins and Mums
We all appreciate how much our mums do for us, and with Mother’s Day this weekend, what better way for our Junior School students to celebrate their lovely mums than by inviting them into their classrooms!
Mums arriving at Hooke House on Tuesday and Thursday, were thrilled to be greeted with a handwritten sign at Reception, welcoming them to a magical morning of Mums, Muffins and Maths.
There was also a scrolling sign of handwritten, personalised messages, detailing why “My Mum is a Superhero.”
Maddie (Year 5) wrote: “My Mum is a Superhero because she is helpful and puts up with anything and helps with projects and puts effort in having fun with me. I love you Mum. You’re awesome!”
For some of our mums, Maths is not the first subject that springs to mind when they think about celebration.
Some of our Mums still remember Maths from their schooldays, when it was all about rote learning and getting the right answer. They loved seeing how much their daughters were enjoying the subject - even long division!
In fact, many of our mums said they were pleasantly surprised to find that a lot has changed in Maths lessons these days.
For our students, it’s almost unthinkable to learn by rote. Instead, Maths is an exciting and creative subject, with lots of fun activities to help them perfect problem-solving, sequencing and sorting.
There were card games, word puzzles with a numerical twist, treasure hunts, mysteries to solve, and towers to construct using paddle-pops and marshmallows, a task which proved just a little bit too tempting for some of our students!
Across Hooke House, our students were only too happy to demonstrate their mathematical skills.
And our mums (and a dad) were thrilled to see how much progress their daughters have made so far this year. And in some cases, how neat their handwriting is!
After using all that grey matter, our mums deserved a very special morning tea, served up by our Events Manager, Mrs Laforest.
The morning tea was a lovely opportunity for our mums to get together, see their daughters at play, and to chat with some of the teachers.
One mum was particularly amused to read the handwritten bracelet her daughter had made for her, apologising for being rude that morning. Definitely one to treasure!
On Friday, Woodstock welcomed their mums and proudly demonstrated their budding mathematical skills - and their very impressive biosphere of Australia - before tucking into their special morning tea.
For those that were able to make it to our Maths, Muffins and Mums this week, we loved having you here.
We wish all of our mums and grandmothers a very Happy Mother’s Day this Sunday!