Frequently Asked Questions
When should I apply?
Applications are accepted any time from birth. Position on a Wait List is largely determined by date of application and enrolment priority so an early application is the best option.
How is position on the Wait List determined?
Wait Lists are generated according to date of application and enrolment priority afforded to siblings, daughters of alumnae and the like.
Is there a cost to submit an application?
The current non-refundable application fee is AUD400.
What are the tuition costs?
Please contact the Enrolments Office for information relating to fees.
Are scholarships available?
Wenona offers a number of Scholarships; information can be found here.
Does my daughter need to sit an entrance test?
Wenona is not academically selective and as such, results of an entrance test are not considered before an Offer of Place is made. We do ask our new girls from Years 3 to 10 to sit a test as part of our Orientation activities held in November prior to the year of commencement.
I already have a daughter at Wenona. Does this mean siblings will automatically have a place?
Wenona is a community and having a daughter at the school gives your other daughters sibling priority on the Wait List. We do require that an application is submitted for every daughter, and well before the enrolment process commences; siblings can only be admitted where vacancies exist.
Can I visit the school?
We offer a number of Tour Mornings annually, as well as regular small group tours. Book online here.
What age should my child be to enrol in Kindergarten?
Girls should have turned 5 by 30 April of their Kindergarten year (see Wenona's Calculation of Year of Entry table (PDF 44.2KB)). Our strong recommendation is that all students start their schooling within the dates outlines in the enrolment policy. Extenuating circumstances presented to the school by parents may be considered on an individual basis. The Enrolments Office can be contacted if you have any further queries.
Does my daughter need to attend an enrolment interview?
Yes. The enrolment interview is an important part of the enrolment process and one or both parents should attend along with the child. The interview is an opportunity for us to find out about your daughter, for you to find out more about Wenona and for both of us to discuss any particular requirements you may have.
Will my daughter be able to attend an orientation day before she starts?
Yes, all new girls attend Orientation events in November prior to commencement.
My daughter is only newborn and I don’t have the Birth Certificate or Reference yet. Can I still submit the application?
You may submit an application and the Enrolments Office will follow up with you to ensure that all documentation is received in a timely manner.
Does the Birth Certificate need to be certified?
No, a photocopy is sufficient.
What should be included in the Family Reference and who should write it?
The reference may be written by anyone who knows your family, but who is not a relative. For applicants who are not yet at school, a family reference should be provided (ie a reference written about the family rather than specifically about the child). The reference should include how long the referee has known the family and name and contact details. Other information about the family may be included as appropriate.
My daughter was born overseas – is she classified as an Overseas or International Student?
Students are classified as International or Overseas Students only if they are studying in Australia on a 500 Student Visa. If unsure, please contact the Enrolments Office.
My daughter is on the Wait list – but I would like to change her year of entry. What can I do?
Please notify the Enrolments Office of your request to change your daughter’s year of entry in writing by mail or email and we will adjust accordingly and send written confirmation of the change.
Does Wenona penalise for changing Year of Entry on an application?
If you adjust your daughter’s year of entry, her name will go onto the new Wait List as at her original date of application.
We have accepted a place at Wenona; however we would like to defer her entry. Does the place roll over to a future intake year?
No. We can adjust your daughter’s year of entry, and her name will go onto the new Wait List as at her original application date, there is no priority afforded to her if she was offered a place in an earlier year of entry. The Enrolment Confirmation Fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.