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The Debating program at Wenona imparts skills that stay with our girls for life. It helps them develop strong listening and teamwork skills, prompts them to analyse opposing points of view, and enables them to present their ideas confidently and persuasively in any context.

From Year 2, students debate competitively within the School and in Year 6 they begin debating competitively outside of school in the and the . They are supported by coaches and a dedicated Debating Coordinator.

In the Senior School, there are formal try-outs for the debating team. The girls work with a University-level coach and compete against schools across the state in the , the and the .

Other debating activities include:
• Wenona’s Interhouse Debating, an annual House- based competition for Years 6 to 11
• Term 4 debating Club for Years 5 to 8, a social, non-competitive Club to focus on skill development
• Term 1 Debating Camp for Years 8 to 12 to participate in debating workshops and practice debates.